Communicating with Your School
Building positive relationships between parents and educators is a cornerstone of our school district. We are committed to fostering open and transparent communication with families. The steps below provide you with resources when dealing with school-related matters.
- Build Positive Relationships. Meet the staff early in the school year, support and collaborate with your child's teachers, actively participate in school events and activities, and be involved in your school's Parent Advisory Council (PAC).
- Stay Involved & Communicate Regularly. Support their learning at home, recognize that you and the school staff are interested in your child's success, maintain an open-minded approach, and stay updated on school activities via the school website or social media.
- Know How to Address Issues or Concerns. It's beneficial to get to know the people who work with your child, regularly inquire about your child's school day, and stay informed about their progress at school. This helps you understand who to begin addressing issues or concerns with.
- Understand the Effective Ways to Resolve Issues. Make an appointment for a focused discussion. Be specific about your concerns. Approach the situation with respect and patience.
- Collaboration is the Key to Success! Your voice matters. Share your ideas and concerns - we're here to listen. Together, we create supportive environments for all students.
Addressing Issues or Concerns
- Start with the concern. Start with the person whose action has given rise to the concerns or problem. This is the person who can best address your concern.
- Talk to the Principal / Vice-Principal. If you need further assistance with your concern, your school’s principal/vice-principal is the next point of contact to connect with.
- Contact the Assistant Superintendent. If you feel your concerns are not resolved at the school level, contact an Assistant Superintendent at 604.859.4891.
- Write to the Board of Education. If a decision of a District administrator significantly affects the education, health or safety of a student, the students and/or parent may appeal in writing to the Board of Education.
Resolving Issues or Concerns
Education is shared between the home and the school, and good communication is an excellent starting point for resolving an issue.
- Make an Appointment. This ensures concerns can be heard without distractions. Everyone should be informed, in advance, of who will attend a meeting.
- Be Specific. Communicate clearly about the concern. Making notes may help clarify your thoughts. Keep focused on what is best for the student. Both parents and staff are interested in the child’s success.
- Be Respectful. Stay calm and be polite. Listen to everyone. Try to see the issue from the other person’s perspective. Be prepared to explore various solutions. Confidentiality is important.
- Be Patient. Give the process a chance to address the concern at each step before proceeding to the next step. Keep a record of actions taken.
- Be Transparent. Confirm that everyone understands the decision reached and any timeline involved.